Thursday, November 20, 2008
Ended the Auto-Post from Twitter
Monday, November 17, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 04:07 @anneruthmann i say leave em up unless they ask. according to your website, you shoot weddings, not marriages, right? #
Sunday, November 16, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 19:51 Everybody's talking about a "bailout of Detroit." I wish that's actually what was on the table, Detroit needs it. It's not. #iheartdetroit #
Saturday, November 15, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 13:37 At hbs #cyberposium. Hope popular science chief talks about cool nerdy stuff #
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 14:09 Detroit jumps on the Bailout Bandwagon - asks for $10B #iheartdetroit #
- 19:11 Going to Elton John concert at Mohegan Sun tomorrow. Very. Excited. #
- 20:28 @cjuon happy birthday! i think i crashed your last one ;) #
- 20:31 no offense, @JOHNABYRNE, but anybody who thinks harvard and stanford aren't the top two business schools is using the wrong metrics #
- 20:36 Tracking your pizza on is exhilerating. Delivery expert Claudio just left with my pizza. #
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 01:00 thank goodness the pistons came back and won tonight. 0-3 w/ iverson would have put too much pressure on us. #iheartdetroit #
- 01:00 @sarahcuda welcome back, homeskillet #
- 01:37 @QueenofSpain makes the case for the bailout. i agree...mostly #
- 01:38 RT @QueenofSpain: A Case for the auto industry bailout #iheartdetroit #
- 15:23 Reuters: "Merrill CEO Thain said one had to look back to the 1929 period "to see the kind of slowdown we're experiencing now." Sheesh #
- 15:29 NYT: "GM ended Q3 with $16.2B in available needs a minimum of $11B at any time to pay its bills." 11B? WOW. #iheartdetroit #
- 23:11 best news i've heard all day: elton and billy are touring together again #
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 13:22 LOVE the daily show: "Sarah Palin is so dumb she thinks soy milk is spanish for 'I am milk'" #
- 17:35 maybe we should change it to blue lobster labs #
- 20:45 @cosguru good to be there. thanks for the follow. hope there's a tweetup when i'm back in the D over the holidays #
Monday, November 10, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 13:04 @QueenofSpain BlogHer '09 - Chicago? I'm in. #
- 13:08 @DigitalWoman wow, she's pretty hot. she prob has the brains, too #
- 14:19 Do Sun and Motorola still matter? I think they do, for a while. What does their demise mean for Big Tech? #
Sunday, November 09, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 21:36 @davecriswell indeed an embarassing outing for the stones. we're trying to find ourselves after the trade. man do i hate the celtics ;) #
- 21:45 @pamelawella had the same ridiculous experience getting home after #bosup. ride back on bus/T was longer than i was actually at the event #
Saturday, November 08, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 00:33 Chauncey looks so weird in a Nuggets uniform. Good fit for him, though. Excited about the future, but sad Chauncey and Dyess had to go #
- 03:28 anybody know what's going on in missouri? when are they going to call the election results? #
- 19:26 At #bosup. So far so good. #
- 20:40 @ronga heard it through the twittervine. Somebody posted a link. you should follow more people #
- 20:41 Waiting for the bus after #bosup. Regrettably, I had to leave early #
Friday, November 07, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 13:29 @ronga wrentham is no friend to the wrecession. things get out of hand there #
- 13:51 @ronga just be on the lookout for cheap men's cashmere sweaters #
- 21:53 @brett you coming up for #bosup? if it's a party worth the presence of @brett, i might just have to make it #
- 23:06 @michaeledison i think you meant to say chatting with @rgujral. welcome to the twitterverse, friend. good to have you #
- 00:33 Chauncey looks so weird in a Nuggets uniform. Good fit for him, though. Excited about the future, but sad Chauncey and Dyess had to go #
Thursday, November 06, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 02:40 CNN: French President Nicholas Sarkozy writes, "Your election raises in France, in Europe, and beyond throughout the world, immense hope." #
- 02:47 Wore my moveon OBAMA shirt to a club tonight. i was at the same time the most underdressed and the most appropriately dressed person there #
- 20:51 @gregarious good to see you getting your groove back, stella #
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 00:48 @QueenofSpain your mom is a hero. she should know that. #
- 01:17 @ Alex Castellanos asked if Obama was going to be an "open source" president building from the bottom up vs. top down #
- 01:29 @ Alex Castellanos asked if Obama was going to be an "open source" president building from the bottom up vs. top down \ #
- 01:30 Just too exhausted to go out and celebrate in the streets. very sad. no i can't. #
- 10:26 Obama's elected President and hard drives are consistently available at 10GB/$. Progress. #
- 13:55 @gwenbell ha i took like a dozen sceenshots last night. #
- 14:19 "If it were possible for me to get to the United States on my bicycle, I would." — Joseph Ochieng, carpenter from Nairobi shantytown - AP #
- 15:30 @BarackObama thank you. now the real work begins. the world is behind you. #
- 17:27 facebook fail. wont let me send a message despite getting the captcha right every time. #
- 18:57 RT @gregarious: New Blog Post: Social is Subversive - #
- 19:19 @JackiePeters if you want to talk about the best teen romantic comedies i am so in. cinderella story, princess diaries anyone? #
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 05:02 430 am wakeup call (snoozed til 5) for obama. Now he has to win #
- 06:27 @ronga we were knocking on doors now hanging stuff on doorknobs. Only one run-in with the police to speak of #
- 06:32 @QueenofSpain yes we are #
- 07:32 Standing outside of the polling station with some obama bling #
- 18:14 ok people, back from new hampshire and glued to the tv and 2 laptops (3 as soon as @nikitagujral gives me hers #
- 20:19 @gwenbell hmmmm.... #
- 21:17 loving the huffington post live election blog #
- 21:18 @gwenbell i do. the demographic is shifting permanently. this is just the beginning #
- 21:24 come on OHIO, do the right thing. just the way michigan did it. you know you want to. #
- 23:48 Yes we did #
Monday, November 03, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 11:36 hard times in detroit just get harder #iheartdetroit #
- 11:37 I'm leaving Cambridge, MA for Littleton, NH in 90 minutes to volunteer for Obama. Coming back tomorrow. Anyone need a ride? #
Sunday, November 02, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 01:49 cannot tear myself away from lovely way to spend a late sat night post-janet. excited for my trip to NH on monday #
Saturday, November 01, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 20:57 At the janet concert at madison square garden. she has too many good songs #
Friday, October 31, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 15:17 @JoeFernandez you need to talk to @jackiepeters. I or @gregarious will send you her contact info #
- 15:21 @JackiePeters dude, my powder blue baby needs a tuneup. i didnt know you had the skeelz #
- 20:23 @JackiePeters that's so hot. i have an imported '79 gt100 small frame - powder blue. good times. #
- 20:24 so thankful for the warm front coming through new york. bc my short shorts are short. shorts. #
Thursday, October 30, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 02:02 loving yammer's new group functionality #
- 02:15 @JoeFernandez thats exactly what i did. i have a 1979 gt100. it's pretty much a disaster but it's still freaking cool. very expensive tho #
- 23:54 @jasonfalls how did you enjoy my beloved detroit? Wish I was there #
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 01:22 A mixed signal if I've ever seen one - photo at #
- 02:52 sad day for detroit as kilpatrick is officially sentenced to 120 days in jail #iheartdetroit #
- 17:24 Just had a wonderful meeting with our great friends at #
- 20:02 @QueenofSpain of course, so excited for the barackammercial #
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 00:22 Happy Diwali everybody #
- 01:39 "...McCain advisers...increasingly frustrated with...Palin "going rogue'" and by going rogue they mean thinking for herself #
- 01:42 Ridiculous "Her lack of fundamental understanding of some key issues was dramatic" said another McCain source with direct knowledge #
- 12:04 Retweeting @gregarious: RT @MeHeatherD: RT @CityMama - Gonna carve some barack-o-lanterns today! Yes We Carve! #
- 12:33 @sondrasondra oh poor you. 56. how will you survive? #
- 15:39 anybody else a little creeped out that the makeout session at the end of the last gossip girl featured a real life 25 yr old and 15 yr old? #
- 23:03 Karaoke and rock band jam session at 45 wall st #
Monday, October 27, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 18:57 At the facebook developer garage at chelsea piers #
- 19:59 @brett they mentioned your name here at the facebook event. Mashable's sponsoring but a no show, I guess. Tsk tsk. This is boring as hell #
- 21:22 @JanePorricelli great post. i forwarded to some non-believers #
- 21:23 Retweeting @JasonFalls: Phrases that indicate your CEO is clueless from @guykawasaki - Funny stuff. #
- 22:06 @theoneinpink thanks for the follow. congrats on the store launch. i like the pink ball a *lot* #
- 22:34 @theoneinpink i can see how all of the buoncy ball violence could get old. def want one, though. hope to meet you soon #
- 00:22 Happy Diwali everybody #
Saturday, October 25, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 12:41 Getting on the bolt bus to en why see with @gregarious and @nikitagujral. Good times shall be had #
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 11:07 @ronga yeah sounded like you had a really productive work session last night. if by work you mean aggressively downing booze and thai food #
- 13:00 michigan only has the 20th largest budget deficit as % of budget size. should we consider that a win? #iheartdetroit #
- 13:08 @QueenofSpain i dont think i'm getting any follow love. #
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 14:43 "Arts and culture are what make a city fall in love with itself" from the visual record of CreativeCcities Conf. Wish i was there @CCS2 #
- 21:02 i can't even fake interest in a phillies - devil rays world series #
- 21:29 Disaster "Women under 50 years old in particular dislike Palin, with 60% holding an unfavorable view—up from 36% one month ago." - #
- 22:14 @ronga i am but a slave to newton's first law of motion: a ranvir at rest tends to stay at rest #
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 15:02 @JackiePeters silver boots, hmmm? i'm looking for a supersized "CHOOSE LIFE" shirt for my wham outfit #
- 21:06 @sondrasondra i heart the panda. so good and so obviously authentic. makes airports and strip malls all over the country feel like home #
- 21:07 @brett we doing ktown? i'm so in #
Monday, October 20, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 11:46 @gregarious greg i think you're missing the point with the hundred pushups thing. you dont need to do a hundred on your 11th set you #
- 15:57 anybody have any favorite fonts they like to use in Word for documents? a proposal, specifically? #
- 22:25 Wow. Block the Vote: GOP's campaign to deter new voters and discard Democratic ballots #
- 23:57 Only 24.9% of Detroit high schoolers graduates in 4 years. Lowest in the country #
- 23:59 One more try: Only 24.9% of Detroit high schoolers graduate in 4 years. Lowest rate in the nation. #
Friday, October 17, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 12:43 my abs are actually sore from all of the sneezing yesterday. my allergies were OOC #
- 12:44 @sondrasondra #
- 12:45 @Kingsley2 agreed. not impressed. was hoping for a far more upgraded macbook air. with more freaking ports #
- 12:50 @JanePorricelli just looked up the video. hilarious. see you in hell indeed #
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 10:55 @gregarious wtf? the ceiling fell? who did it crush? i hope you got pictures #
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 11:48 RT @gregarious: The Rumors of Our Death Have Been Highly Exaggerated - #
Sunday, October 12, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 20:45 #quote "One of the world's biggest hedge funds has just blown up. It's called Iceland." - Ridiculous #
- 20:52 Had a great time in Baltimore this weekend for Don and Brigitte's wedding. Baltimore was way better than expected. Like Detroit. #
- 22:19 @gregarious how hot is it in the motherland? #
Friday, October 10, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 18:03 only10 min wait to sit outside at the cheesecake factory on a beautiful sunny day in baltimore's inner harbor. economy really is dead #
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 00:25 @cjuon we're trying to do the same thing (passive to active) but haven't quite figured out how we're going to go about it yet #
- 01:59 @cjuon it has been a long time! our ann arbor plans for blue whale haven't disappeared, they were just deferred. i hope we make it soon #
- 16:59 may all my jewish friends have an easy fast #
- 18:44 @SavvyAuntie have an easy fast #
- 18:50 nominate your adorable lil one to be a Lil'Grams spokesbaby. We'll put her or his picture on our site #
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 02:18 Retweet @gregarious: We need a spokesbaby for Lil'Grams - if you've got a beautiful baby (I know they all are) and loads of photos, let ... #
- 02:19 @khartline i never stopped listening to bobby brown. love him. my prerogative is an all time classic #
- 10:55 i wasn't worried at all until td ameritrade just sent me an email telling me not to worry #
- 18:44 @sarahcuda you can't stop rock and roll. @livandlove is just livin and lovin #
- 21:44 Debate party at the gujral household. We need to figure out how to rig our own scoring system a la cnn #
- 23:22 @ronga i just pigged out on pie. that's my 4th different dessert today. my diet is a disaster. debates make me hungry. #
Sunday, October 05, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 16:52 @adarshp you brought lunch to a shopping trip? wow. was it in a tiffin? #
- 20:09 @gregarious have a good flight #
Michigan GOP Reeling after McCain's "Premature Withdrawal"
In particular, the re-election campaigns of Reps. Joe Knollenberg and Tim Walberg will take a hit as they were banking on help from the McCain-Palin drive. Walberg faces state Sen. Mark Schauer in Michigan's 7th and Knollenberg faces former state Sen. Gary Peters Michigan's 9th district (my home district).Sen. John McCain's travails are feeding worries among other Republicans on the November ballot that his weakness could hurt their prospects as well.
The presidential candidate's decision last week to stop campaigning in Michigan and scale back advertising there triggered complaints from state party leaders that the withdrawal could undercut in particular two Republican members of Congress facing tough re-election challenges at a time when the party is struggling to contain its losses on Capitol Hill.
Of course, the Republican machine offers its usual oblivious-to-the-world spin:
Mike Brownfield, Rep. Knollenberg's campaign manager, said he doesn't expect Sen. McCain's absence in Michigan to damage the campaign. "We're not doing anything different today than the campaign was doing yesterday," Mr. Brownfield said Friday.
Yeah right. Just having operatives send out desperate emails:
"I am sure you've heard the news by now that the McCain Campaign decided to pull out of Michigan," Chairman Saul Anuzis, chairman of the Michigan Republican Party, wrote in a fund-raising email to supporters marked URGENT. "This move leaves a tremendous hole in our ground campaign that we must now fill." Mr. Anuzis cited the potential fallout for the re-election drives of Reps. Joe Knollenberg and Tim Walberg.
Saturday, October 04, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 13:20 where do people watch michigan football games in boston? #
- 17:37 Michigan football is so endlessly frustrating like a loved one making bad decisions #
- 18:07 sitting with my wife in a bar watching the michigan game except she is reading an hbs case and not even watching. and no one else is in here #
- 18:19 Sometimes I think michigan football does it on purpose because I'm watching and they want to hurt me #
- 19:21 @gregarious have a safe trip #
- 19:25 @khartline there will be no joy on saturdays for me until michigan straightens out. There will never be another team for me #
Friday, October 03, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 12:49 @gregarious i'm obsessed with that song, as you may know from my constant singing #
- 15:49 unfollowing @micropr until it calms the f down #
- 16:30 @briansolis thanks. following #micropr again #
Thursday, October 02, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 01:56 Happy Gandhi Jayanti to all the homies in the motherland #
- 12:40 Retweet @gwenbell: Dems vs. Reps DANCE BATTLE: (hat tip @electrolicious) - this is awesome #
- 15:52 McCain giving up on Michigan? #
- 16:42 @sondrasondra dude, so jealous. cracklin rosie's my favorite #
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 12:16 I heart @sarahcuda and @livandlove: Retweet @sarahcuda: vegas outtakes featuring @rgujral #
- 12:18 @adarshp @gregarious that's great. thanks. it's a ning group, too. #
- 12:25 AMEN! Retweet @adarshp: Matt Millen fired! Praise God #
- 12:26 @SuzyPerplexus 2 cups one girl. heh. i want to see the video #
- 19:18 Desi Threads. Awesome. #
Sunday, September 21, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 01:09 Evolution of dance LIVE - photo at #
- 01:20 Evolution of dance LIVE - photo at #
- 02:58 My music tastes are far too ghetto for tech conferences. #
- 06:31 Sucking straw #
- 15:13 I'm in the audience suffering from #add panel inflicted #add #
- 15:39 @briansolis ok so the conversation is distributed. Now what? How should/can companies/people engage and manage the flow? #add #
Saturday, September 20, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 06:36 "Detroit schools' $408 million budget deficit led the state Wednesday to declare a 'serious financial problem.' " ya think? #
- 13:57 thanks to @briansolis for throwing a sick poolside party last night. had fun at the club with @sarahcuda and @livandlove #
- 14:48 @ronga it was a pretty good night. Weird being here for a conference and not best buds, though #
- 16:41 Retweet @sarahcuda: don't forget about our party tonight #BWE08! re-tweet away! #
- 16:41 @ronga go A team! #
- 18:31 @JackiePeters where you guys at? #
- 22:41 @JoeFernandez dude I freaking love pie #
Friday, September 19, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 14:31 at javits at the web 2.0 conference. wheeling and dealing #
- 14:31 @JackiePeters you at the expo? #
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 09:26 @gregarious welcome back, bro. what's the plan for today? now that you've had your vacation, we've got work to do ;) #
- 10:12 @adarshp when you getting in? i'll be at the office 122 w 27th, 10th floor. meeting at 2pm. #
- 17:57 heading over to girls in tech NY launch party and then to #TechSet party #
Monday, September 15, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 15:58 w1, d2: 12/12/10/10/42 w1,d3: 15/13/10/10/43 #
- 15:59 heading down to NY for @w2e_NY08 in about an hour. then #blogworldexpo this weekend. looking forward to meeting up #
- 17:34 @JackiePeters good luck tonight. sorry i'm missing it. just got on the bolt bus from boston now, missed the earlier one. #
- 22:00 Wow. Perfect new york night. Feels like I'm home #
Saturday, September 13, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 02:40 @JackiePeters mutton curry is an indian favorite . love fresh baby goat #
- 02:44 @gregarious um, i hope that $400 bar tab isn't a company expense #
- 16:23 2 bombs went off at our office area in delhi. there were deaths and injuries, but fortunately looks like no one from blue whale was there #
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 11:15 Lil'Grams mentioned in the NY Times - #
- 12:08 @JackiePeters i WISH the fanny pack would come back. it's just. so. effective. #
- 16:21 US Airways is what you would call, um, not good at being an airline. Changed my schedule then stuck me in a middle seat. #
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 12:17 have whole company using #yammer. hope is that it gives everyone more insight into what overseas ppl are doing and improves productivity #
- 12:20 @geekgiant yeah i do have a desktop at the home office. i want something comically small with which to travel #
- 12:22 @sondrasondra shut the f up you had jabba at your party?? damn i wish i was there #
- 12:26 @alexandergordon yeah you're right, but i can only assume that's coming. though i dont think we'll ever get rid of IM - we're all on gtalk #
- 16:18 @sondrasondra throw a party at #web20expo next week with jabba and i will be the first one there #
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 00:31 Off to NYC tomorrow to pick up the rest of my junk. Hoping to be in and out of town in 2 hours. Possible? Unlikely #
- 15:06 Just got a $115 parking ticket. Hate NY. How is the punishment commensurate with the crime here? #
- 23:08 @geekgiant i'm planning on getting the new acer aspire one when it is available here at the end of the month. i'm a big fan of the small #
- 23:11 @chrisheuer you picked up the spot @citizenspace? awesome. i'm jealous. wish i was still out there. #
Monday, September 08, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 12:06 Back in Boston for a couple of days. People are really ready to get back to work post-Labor Day. Costing me slumber time #
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Friday, September 05, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 10:02 I know it's wrong, but I think I have a small crush on Sarah Palin. She's hot #
- 21:38 Waiting for Oasis to come on at the Bell Centre - photo at #
- 22:13 Oooaaaaaasiiiis - photo at #
Thursday, September 04, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 01:42 um, palin's speech was really good. i thought romney, giuliani, and huckabee were stiffs, but palin hit it out of the park. uh oh #
- 01:49 Who would have thought the Republicans would have closed with the ultimate Patriot Mashup: Star Spangled Banner / Pledge of Allegiance mash #
- 12:19 w1,d1: 10/10/8/6/32. word of advice, take a day off btw initial fitness test and starting. i was really sore #
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 13:15 @gregarious starting today. health season has begun after a long summer of gluttony (just found out i gained 17 pounds) #
- 13:19 fitness test: 49.5 (i really wanted to get to 50, made it but bad form on the last one) #
- 13:28 google chrome is having all sorts of problems rendering pages. no twitter, no, no #
- 14:20 @sondrasondra maybe if you didnt get a DUI while drag racing through a busy intersection you wouldnt have to be at the DMV #
- 14:40 @sondrasondra damn. when we hanging out again? #
- 15:52 @sondrasondra sorry, not going to be at TC50. what about web 2 expo NYC or blogworld vegas? i'll be at both\ #
- 15:53 @sondrasondra also, i'm not sure what we were talking about in that picture, but it looks like i was hilarious #
- 17:43 i love when brian williams is on the daily show. hilarious dynamic btw williams and stewart #
- 17:46 from Kwame Kilpatrick expected to plead guilty at 9 a.m. Thursday #
- 19:11 ok so uninstalled all of my extension to figure out what was wrong with gmail. turns out better gmail was killing the app. talk about ... #
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 09:35 On the bolt bus heading back to boston. Barely got on despite our reservation but all good now... #
- 13:41 just got our $2 company drawing from DJ Coffman. need to put this on a t shirt at some point: #
- 15:48 finally back in boston. catching up on america's best dance crew season 2 while going through a large basket of mail #
- 17:29 gmail is absolutely unusable for me in firefox today. now downloading chrome. could this all be part of the master plan? #
- 20:52 thinking about getting an eee pc. anybody have thoughts/experience? want something tiny for the road #
Monday, September 01, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 20:07 Is anybody else appalled that new orleans still isn't ready for a hurricane? They just got lucky this time, thank goodness. #
Thursday, August 28, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 01:00 I thought all three Clintons were graceful and magnificent. Sign me up to work on Chelsea's campaign #
- 01:07 @adarshp yeah saw blue whale mail. rip off artists, clearly #
- 01:23 did beau biden make anybody else tear up tonight? #
- 15:26 damn it feels good to be a banker - - courtesy of @adarshp #
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 00:43 @salaamgarage i loved the passion and the fact that you were a fresh face for most of us. it was esp poignant with your great pictures/vids #
- 13:37 listening to have you see her by mc hammer. havent heard this one in, um, forever #
- 13:42 i need a co-manager for my fantasy league. wont have time to manage on my own. anyone interested? $100 each entry fee for the league #
- 13:51 @sondrasondra i used to subcribe to his blog and it turns out that hammer is just boring compared to the old mc #
- 16:44 @ronga dude how's texas. i really want to see tropic thunder as well. let me know how it is #
- 17:01 #fft feeble minds also think alike #
- 17:45 @missrogue i own that one! nikita (wife) is vegetarian, so it's especially apt #
- 18:34 opened my office window. smells like bacon. mmm....bacon #
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 00:45 @salaamgarage i LOVED your presentation at gnomedex. sorry we didnt connect there (you were quite popular) but i hope to soon #
- 01:07 @stewtopia nice pics. didnt even realize you took that one of me. might be my new avatar. thanks! #
- 01:14 Retweet @andrewhyde: @geekgiant where is 'save the fail whale' !?!??! - i second that! #
- 01:48 @stewtopia thanks - cropped to 100x100 it's now my new twittertar. see you at the next boondoggle? #
- 17:35 thinking about hitting up the barney's basement sale #
Monday, August 25, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 05:14 i'm suffering from a serious case of gnomelag. went to bed at midnight, up at 4am. @gnomedex #
- 22:20 Praying mantis on the streets of NYC!?! - photo at #
- 22:40 Praying mantis on the streets of NYC!?! - photo at #
Sunday, August 24, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 01:19 damn you delta, I used to like you. Last row, half recline, as close to the inside of the toilet as possible. And it smells like it #
Saturday, August 23, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 03:57 @sondrasondra did you leave already? Great meeting you tonight. See you in the am #
- 05:32 Joe Biden in the house. Obama-Obeiden 2008 #
- 05:33 @svmom i didnt get a text message either! i had to hear it on twitter #
- 18:50 @marsroverdriver - you ROCK! holy crap, you drive the mars rover and just showed us the first picture of earth ever from another planet. #
- 22:19 vote for my entry: - go here and scroll down to the Beijing Municipal Bus Service's Website (Serious) entry #
Friday, August 22, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 01:19 You can't make beautiful things unless you irritate the hell out of the oyster #
- 04:45 I do not need to be eating right now at all. Not even hungry but food is so delicious #
- 06:13 Setting the alarm for 4 hours from now. Why do I do this to myself? #
- 13:06 at #gnomedex. freaking exhausted. and it's day 1. too old for this #
- 13:12 @geekgiant i'm confused as well. i think they're getting to the big aha moment #
- 13:14 am i the only one that's always really uncomfortable in aeron chairs? #
- 13:51 @missrogue OS ma.gnolia. awesome. we're DEF looking forward to introducing it to our dev team. already have some projects in mind #
- 14:10 i'm pumped about my new button #
- 18:15 via @kanter we're sending a young cambodian woman to colidge - wish i went #
- 18:26 waiting for obama's phone call. like meredith grey said: pick me, choose me, love me #
- 19:23 @briansolis why you skipping class, dude? #
- 21:55 Having #gnomesex at edgewater. #
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 06:03 @kingsley2 i hear you, bro. i'm pretty sure i'm jetlagged. #
- 15:37 @gregarious I couldn't get a cab so I'm on a mid-day bus going anywheeeere. I think I'm going to be one of the ones who loses #
- 16:52 @SavvyAuntie want to talk to you about your experience with the affiliate stuff. dont have enough real experience with it #
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 03:05 chillin in the narita nwa lounge. bout to start watching either atonement or semi-pro #
- 05:43 i am the only one in the entire lounge right now. it really feels like i missed my flight, but i didnt #
- 19:51 View from my afternoon work station. - photo at #
Monday, August 18, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 05:38 working out of tiger global's beijing office with feroz. nice digs #
- 11:05 Diego maradona (blue shirt) at argentina-russia bball game. Entire stadium is only watching him - photo at ... #
- 18:12 Leaving the grand hyatt beijing and no one outside understood airport. Had to pretend I was a plane and fly around-really hope driver got it #
Sunday, August 17, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 05:00 3 Russian medalists in women's singles tennis - photo at #
- 06:09 watching nadal vs. gonzalez gold medal match #
- 22:49 the olympics are exhausting. the athletes wouldn't understand. they have it so much easier #
Saturday, August 16, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 03:47 walking nose deep in my blackberry and literally 15 inches from getting run over by marching chinese army soldiers #
- 08:10 the 100m sprinters run astonishingly fast in person. jaw dropping #
- 10:39 men's 100m final. WOOOOOOOOW! #
- 21:18 Dara torres stretching/prepping for 50 free final - photo at #
- 23:57 Just saw phelps win his 8th gold. He led the comeback on his leg. What a historical moment. - photo at ... #
Friday, August 15, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 08:26 just stood over dara torres for 20 mins in the hallway as she was getting her post swim massage #
- 08:32 just handed tayshaun prince some i heart detroit stickers #
- 22:18 just saw phelps win 100m fly (#7) by 1/100th of a second. wow #
- 22:24 Michael Phelps' mom and sisters sitting 4 rows in front of us. - photo at #
- 22:46 Phelps 100m fly gold medal ceremony - photo at #
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 18:03 Parked at the 18th green at the PGA. Good view of the hole, close tournament. Exciting. #
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Friday, August 08, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 11:25 @SavvyAuntie i am always exhausted. i have a hard time going to sleep and a harder time waking up #
Thursday, August 07, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 19:59 The new passports are very cool. unfortunately in mine I forgot to shave and look like a terrorist. #
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Sunday, August 03, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 18:10 Tent is pitched, tarp is tied, campsite is ready. Now off to traverse city for some dinner and good times #
Thursday, July 31, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 00:31 alright now that it's happened i'm just numb. will try to regain feeling in the morning. #
- 13:13 Picked up a metrocard funpass to wander around the city in a distinctly unlimited fashion #
- 13:29 Just walked into the bodies exhibition at south street seaport. Looking forward to it. #
- 13:50 Awesome. - photo at #
- 17:21 Hello brother. At the Natural History Museum. - photo at #
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 15:06 So I have to get a letter from my company saying I am authorized to take vacation for the dates in china. And, um, I can't sign it #
- 15:50 @gregarious sounds like you're having an absolutely terrible day. corksoaker #
The Day's Updates
- 15:06 So I have to get a letter from my company saying I am authorized to take vacation for the dates in china. And, um, I can't sign it #
- 15:50 @gregarious sounds like you're having an absolutely terrible day. corksoaker #
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 03:01 wow this apartment is so hot. only thing worse than late night working is late night sweating while working #
- 11:23 flight prices for my west coast / beijing trip went up $1000 overnight. looks like i might not be going to the olympics after all #
- 23:45 Vote for Detroit for Titletown #
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 01:05 i cant believe the all star game is still on. i didnt even start watching until the 12th #
- 13:21 @savvyauntie let me know the answer to that question bc i am *starving* #
- 13:22 @gregarious good luck in LA. close some deals #
- 15:27 An inordinately large number of iheartdetroit stickers just arrived at my desk - photo at #
- 15:54 my diet pepsi tastes like poison. wish i had a diet coke #
- 16:32 the internet connection at the office is too slow for me to even think #
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 15:13 excited that HBS crew @ronga @teddywiley @sueokes is finally discovering twitter #
- 18:17 i am not feeling @ronga 's sarcasm. the young paduan things she can usurp the master #
- 23:15 @joefernandez i just saw your mouse tweet. cut off your foot and move immediately. gross #
- 23:17 @teddywiley congrats, dude. you coming into the city this weekend? #
Monday, July 14, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 19:45 Tip of the day: If you're at the marine terminal at LGA walk over to us airways - no line for taxis #
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 00:56 fun dinner catching up with feroz and erica dewan. la zie actually has pretty good food. #
- 00:56 @gregarious you picking one up for me, too? #
- 11:38 @gregarious got his iphone in no time but claims he couldn't get me one and setup the family plan. now i have to go find one in manhattan #
- 12:50 It feels like a thousand degrees in nyc today. Juz dizguzting #
- 12:59 Do you ever walk down the street jamming your tunes and wonder what these people would think of you if they knew you were listening to h ... #
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 00:55 @firefox_answers thanks for the advice. hopefully i'll get to that one of these days ;) thanks for the reply. #
- 09:59 @JoeFernandez congrats, dude. hope they come off. i feel like i have another decade of invisalign #
- 13:22 @savvyauntie CONGRATS! #
- 14:28 the dancing in this video is genius. it gets real absolutely captivating at the 1:05 mark #
- 15:52 Can somebody please explain to me how the NHL has a salary cap anywhere near the NBA's, let alone almost the same? #
- 21:03 all 37signals apps appear to be down. never experienced that before #
Monday, July 07, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 20:53 Back in good old hot, sticky, NYC. Need some takeout ideas #
- 21:56 @adarshp welcome back to los estados. Straight to DC? #
- 11:04 @gregarious if there only were a more visual and satisfying way to organize and tackle your todos. maybe @adarshp has some ideas #
- 12:31 short everything; the airport was empty yesterday, as were the roads leading to it #
- 16:16 @savvyauntie will savvy uncles be invited into the beta as well? sign me up #
Friday, July 04, 2008
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Monday, June 30, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 12:13 praying for one day without rain in NYC #
- 16:04 This is not that bad: Open Mamoun's back up! #
Sunday, June 29, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 19:05 at the theatre an hour early for Wanted. unfortunately thats what it takes to get a decent seat in nyc #
Friday, June 27, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 14:13 @jewishtweets shabbat shalom #
- 15:54 about to dig into a brgr burger with greg. he's having a turkey though #
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 12:09 @arvind we use basecamp for all of our projects #
- 12:20 had a good time @techkaraoke last night - there were some serious pipes in the house #
- 12:30 @alexandergordon nice meeting you, too. i'm new to the NY geek scene - what's next? #
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 22:49 karaoke with the tech geeks in k town. duo singing amish paradise with no lyrics. awesome #
Monday, June 23, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 17:07 very disappointed about holland's effort in extra time. bitter end to an enlightened run #
Friday, June 20, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 13:27 Just had lunch at hill country bbq w/ @joefernandez. the bbq beef sandwich was excellent, actually. second time's a charm, i guess #
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 11:04 didn't even watch the 4th quarter last night. no interest in seeing boston fans celebrate. glad i'm not there this summer #
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 02:44 did i mention i took my first "pop hip hop" class at the gym today? as expected, i was by far the only straight male there #
- 15:26 just finished lunch at shake shack with senator ted wiley. excellence #
- 18:20 just picked up a neat little HP wifi printer/scanner for our modest NY office printing needs #
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 15:20 at 104th and broadway listening to angel of harlem. yes i know i'm not in harlem #
- 19:58 at bryant park cafe. finance hitter scene. i dont belong #
- 21:38 Guess they never changed the sign - photo at #
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 14:54 just telling @gregarious that @jackipeters is easily the most prolific twitterer i follow. fortunately, i heart patty melts #
- 14:54 just telling @gregarious that @jackiepeters is easily the most prolific twitterer i follow. fortunately, i heart patty melts #
- 16:49 Beautiful day in SF. City Hall from across the street in the Veterans Building - photo at #
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Friday, June 06, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 01:32 at SFO waiting for the redeye to DTW. Want to go to the red wings victory parade tomorrow. anyone going? #
- 13:32 mayor kwame just threw up the omega psi phi fraternity symbol after his speech at the red wings parade. yeah, he should definitely be mayor #
- 13:48 Love Jiri Hudler. "Let's go Red Vings! Let's go Red Vings! Let's go Red Vings!" Awesome. #
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 00:17 OMG. triple overtime. my organs are failing #
- 00:48 saw that one coming. heartwrenching. going to be a tough game 6 for the wings #
- 11:16 flip saunders fired as pistons coach. first step of many in the right direction #
- 12:51 @lawrencecoburn neither. j-wil the point guard from duke #
- 13:01 i could use #xumii right now. hope it works as advertised #utr08 #
- 13:54 audio micro #utr08 #
- 13:54 i meant, #audiomicro sounds pretty cool. might buy some stock music for my forthcoming mashup career #utr08 #
- 16:16 #lilgrams presenting soon at under the radar conference in mountain view, ca watch it here #utr08 #
- 17:01 is #ffwd like #pandora for video? #utr08 #
- 17:02 #lilgrams up in 8 minutes: #
- 17:30 Great presentation for #lilgrams @gregarious. Thought it went really well #utr08 #
- 18:31 #animoto rocks. i need to start using this #utr08 #
- 19:56 i think i really want an eee pc #
Monday, June 02, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 15:03 my friends are flying to detroit for tonight's game. i am so jealous - i had to come to dumb san francisco. SF is no detroit, lets face it #
- 15:12 @kingsley2 i would def take a ticket to a rick astley concert. together forever and never to part #
- 16:11 just missed the caltrain. was literally at the machine getting my tkt. next 1 in 36 mins. sounds like my typical travel #
- 21:50 at old pro watching the wings game #
- 22:44 red wings were 30 seconds away from bliss. my heart cant take overtime #
- 22:52 the tension is killing me. red wings need to score immediately and end it #
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 11:43 driving back to boston. ugh #
- 15:15 on the 3pm lucky star bus back to nyc. dont think i'll make it back to the apt on time for pistons with friday traffic #
- 15:44 bus just pulled over. not a good sign. #
- 16:21 My bus just broke down. I hope the replacement hits me. #
- 17:11 the replacement bus has arrived. there is hope of reaching ny before midnight #
Thursday, May 29, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 13:59 the guy at the delhi clearly thought "light on the mayo" meant "I'd like a mayo patty, please" #
- 14:24 wow, gmail/firefox is KILLING me today. i keep restarting, nothing is working #
- 15:29 btw, i went to the deli for a sandwich, not to the delhi. i am not an intelligent life form, as a few people have pointed out. #
- 16:49 #Quote "All that [expletive] calls they had out there, with Mike [Callahan] and Kenny [Mauer] -- you've all seen that [expletive]," Sheed #
- 21:03 just played ball with jason williams aka j-wil @ chelsea piers. he won #
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 15:13 @dimensionmedia has he considered google apps for email? would still need simple web hosting plan but can do that anywhere #
- 16:20 #pandora has been trying to hit me with random songs all day today. i've had to gently smack it - my horizons are wide enough #
- 17:42 my wife lost her blackberry. we have t-mobile. now what? #
- 18:12 the tmobile rep told me to have a nice weekend. it's wednesday. maybe i should listen to him and take the rest of the week off? #
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 09:58 Couldn't have said it better myself, Vanity Fair - photo at #
- 14:06 Many people have said it before, but #Pandora is REMARKABLY good. #
- 19:29 @missrogue a taco bar is a fantastic idea. my sister just did make your own taco salad. def having a taco bar at my next party #
- 19:29 twhirl updates not working for me. how do i know if it's twitter or #twhirl? #
Monday, May 26, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 14:26 My first $60 tank of gas. - photo at #
- 17:48 got to new york last night. weird that i'm living here now (at least for the summer) who's around? #
Saturday, May 24, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 20:15 Stones and Wings, two tvs, let's go - photo at #
Thursday, May 22, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 01:39 @firefox_answers thanks for replying. wow. #
- 03:19 #quote "We took some poo-poo shots last night," Rasheed Wallace, 22may08 #
- 15:37 @jamesjyu that was brilliant. that should have scored a 100% #
- 18:58 I think the heavy rain in boston should drive down scalper prices. Heading down now #
- 19:36 My plan to scalp com #
- 19:36 Completely backfired. On my way home. Tickets we'ree crazy expensive at stadium #
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 02:04 what do i have to do to not have to restart firefox 4 times per day? gmail kills me #
- 02:04 @JoeFernandez you're not alone, bro. i'll be pimpin the invisalign for quite some time #
- 02:20 #Quote "Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, give him a subprime fish loan and you're in business, buddy," Stephen Colbert #
- 02:24 @vikkid yeah it's like noon, brutally early #
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 01:39 @briansolis i'm going to listen in on your webinar #
- 14:00 #briansolis is a genius. good webinar and thanks for answering my stubborn question #
- 18:39 Tix in hand, going to the game. Go Stones! - photo at #
- 21:45 Pretty terrible first half by the pistons. We needed to jump all over them. Need to kill the 3rd quarter #
Monday, May 19, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 13:45 @gregarious babies in the workplace is a fantastic idea but it looked like a disaster in the cnn video #
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 01:10 stuckey finally made layups and dyess played up to his potential. good win. #
- 14:15 eating cereal with expired milk. already feeling queasy #
- 14:28 I've always found it amusing that the Celtics motto is the name of a popular open source operating system #
- 19:46 I REEK of panjabi dhaba. Need to shower and burn my clothes #
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Friday, May 09, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 00:54 @dimensionmedia yeah don't worry about it, you didn't really give away much. Much worse are all the damn commercials on abc #
- 02:18 @arjunghosh this is not college anymore, arjun #
- 23:00 Back in the D #
Thursday, May 08, 2008
The Day's Updates
- 12:04 Just got out of class at hbs. I am not cut out for school #
- 12:49 wow - ridiculous: #
- 16:46 @arjunghosh i didn't join hbs, i just went to class with my wife to check it out #
- 21:24 @twisney twisney rocks. Wish I was at disney world right now # A Great Niche Flow/Status Site